UK begins repair efforts following historic windstorm

Travis Fannon

A fallen tree covers Administration Drive near the Gatton Student Center after damaging wind gusts hit the area on Friday, March 3, 2023, at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky. Photo by Travis Fannon | Staff

Kristen Roberts, Reporter

UK’s campus sustained damage to multiple buildings and properties after high winds crashed through on Friday, March 3. 

UK spokesperson Jay Blanton said the university is still assessing the damage to campus properties but believes we were very fortunate. 

Most of campus did not lose power or receive any major damage. Blanton said the most significant loss of power was UK’s Turfland Clinic, which had their power restored Saturday, March 4.

“We did have some facilities that received some structural damage,” Blanton said. 

The pedway connecting Cornerstone Garage on South Limestone to campus had some glass panes blown out. Blanton said the structure is in the process of being repaired. 

“I think by early next week we’ll be up and functional again,” Blanton said. 

The pedway was reopened to pedestrian traffic on Monday morning, with boarding covering the damaged windows.

The E.S. Good Barn, located on University Drive, is utilized by the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment and received roof damage that is still being assessed. 

Kroger Field’s video scoreboards received some damage as well, which Blanton said will take time to assess the extent of. 

There are still some trees down near the Taylor Education Building across South Limestone and Upper Street.

“We had some residence halls that appeared to have some shingle damages to the roofs, but it does not appear serious,” Blanton said. 

According to Blanton, a team has been assessing the damage over the weekend and will continue to do so. Repairs will start immediately for the damages caused across campus.