Dear UK, thanks for the memories


Dear UK,

In about two weeks, I will follow in the footsteps of thousands before me and walk through Rupp Arena, with all the glory of a UK basketball player at commencement.

Recently, someone asked me if I had to do college over, if I would do it differently. My response was almost instant — if I was back in my shoes at 18, I would do it all over again.

I’m not without regrets, that’s for sure. But choosing UK is not one of them.

To UK I would write out the fight song, but I would rather not cry all over my laptop. Thank you for your commitment to education and the steps you’re taking to make this campus inclusive to everyone. Also, think about freezing tuition rates, because I might want to come back for grad school.

To the students, make the most of your time here. Make friends, go out, do something crazy (not too crazy) and pick a major you’re passionate about.

Whether you rush a sorority or would rather spend your nights in the library studying, this is your life, don’t get cornered into doing just one thing and definitely go to State Street.

To the RAs, all of you were chosen for a reason, because you’re tough as nails in your own way. Being an RA isn’t easy, but working for res-life is one of the greatest experiences — despite the power weekends and drunken 18 year olds. Thank you to everyone in the Commons office and POT for taking care of me, and please continue for the RAs in the new monolithic residence halls.

To my journalism professors, thank you for helping me find my way in this chaotic world and helping me find my love of reporting and sharing stories.

While the industry is changing, it isn’t dying – you newspaper dinosaurs have too much passion to let it fail.

To my fellow Kernelites, working for the newspaper is a thankless job, but it is so important. Keep trucking through long production nights and weeks when no one picks up slugs. Don’t let the haters, or fear of stepping on a few toes, keep you from kicking butt every hour, every day.

And last but not least — to the UK men’s basketball team, just because you lost to UCLA doesn’t mean you can’t win the national championship. Standards are high, but you’re the Wildcats, big and blue. You can do anything. Go Cats!

Sarah Brookbank is the features editor of the Kentucky Kernel.

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