Symposium brings high profile politicians, leaders to campus

Lieutenant governor Jenean M. Hampton is the first black woman to hold statewide office. Photo by Belle Leininger | Staff

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UK will honor one of Kentucky’s crowning social justice achievements Wednesday with guests such as the state lieutenant governor and attorney general.

The symposium celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Kentucky Civil Rights Act of 1966, which prohibited housing and workplace discrimination based on race, nationality and religion. Registration starts at 8 a.m. and the symposium is from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday in the Law Building, according to the symposium agenda.

The event is sponsored by the UK College of Law and the Kentucky Commission on Human Rights. Guests include Kentucky Lt. Gov. Jenean Hampton and Attorney General Andy Beshear, both recently inaugurated into their first terms.

Hampton was running mate to Republican candidate Matt Bevin, who won November’s gubernatorial election by nearly nine percentage points. Hampton is the first black woman in Kentucky history to hold a statewide office.

Andy Beshear is the son of former Democratic governor Steve Beshear, and defeated Republican candidate Whitney Westerfield in the race for Kentucky attorney general.

Other speakers include UK President Eli Capilouto, UK College of Law Dean David Brennen, and John J. Johnson, executive director of the Kentucky Commission on Human Rights.

The symposium will feature speeches and panel discussions on the famous law, which was the first civil rights act passed in the South. Attorneys and legal experts specializing in civil rights law will discuss the act’s historical implications, and how they apply today.

The keynote address will be given at 11 a.m. by Patricia Timmons-Goodson, vice chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

To register, visit