Quinn XCII will be on campus Saturday. Here’s how SAB got him to come.

Kernel Lifestyle Sig

Hayley Burris

After months of researching and planning, the Student Activities Board was able to bring Quinn XCII to University of Kentucky’s campus this coming weekend for an affordable concert for students.  

Sophomore Sophia Marcolla, the director of concerts for the Student Activities Board, has been working since May to find an artist that lots of students would like and be able to bring to campus for the weekend.  Marcolla took many different steps to be able to bring an artist that the majority of campus wanted.  

Since May, Marcolla has researched different artists that have been touring on college campuses and that were popular on the charts. Once she found a list of artists that would be options to bring to campus, a survey was sent out to campus which received 1,500 responses, the majority wanting Quinn XCII.  

“The Student Activities Board’s mission is to enhance the lives of students and the UK community and that is just what our board has planned to do. Researching the perfect concert for a school of over 30,000 students is a lot of work and comes with a lot of challenges,” Marcolla said. 

SAB does a lot of activities to help involve students on campus, Marcolla said. With some activities being bigger than others, such as the concert, it helps the semester from becoming the same day to day routine.  

“I think this will help get students involved because it’s something a lot of people would be interested in and maybe it’ll spark their interest to get more involved with SAB,” said senior Nicole Freebersyser.  “School gets tiring and mundane so it’s nice to give us something to look forward to in the middle of a hard semester.”

Many students that are going or are thinking about going to the concert relate to the music more than just the popular songs on the radio.  A lot of students said they are drawn to the lyrics and the upbeat tune.

“His music is different, and it can be sad, but it is portrayed in an upbeat way,” said sophomore Kaitlyn Reynolds.  “I thought it was awesome and really cool that a pretty well-known artist was coming.”

The artist was not only chosen because he was the most popular artist on the survey. He has also been popular at music festivals, other college shows and on the charts as well. Quinn XCII has a reputation for having many ‘feel good’ songs that make students enjoy themselves, Marcolla said.  

“Quinn XCII’s music is so diverse whether it is pop, alternative, hip hop, and even chill, you’re sure to hear something you like,” said Marcolla. “If you’re on the fence, I suggest buying a ticket for this awesome performer. The concert is only $10 and will be sure to be the highlight of your weekend.”

The concert will be held at Memorial Coliseum on Saturday, November 16.  The doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and the concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are ten dollars to students and 30 dollars to the general public.