Letter from the editor: has-been editor writes goodbye

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Rick Childress

Like so many on the Kernel staff, my time in college revolved around the newspaper.

Never-ending deadlines dictated much of my time, and I sought to give the rest of it to those unforgettable friendships forged in old Grehan and McVey—while poor school work had to wait til the last minute.

After so much time in the Kernel offices, writing my good-bye letter feels bizarre. Writing this letter at home, in the midst of a global pandemic, feels even more bizarre.

We had our final meeting last week. New Editor-in-Chief Natalie Parks presided as the Kernel staff—both outgoing and incoming—said their goodbyes, congrats and good lucks all via Zoom.

(And a very tender thank you to Dean Jennifer Greer for ordering pizza to everyone’s respective houses.)

The tears and strained voices were still heart-wrenching and -warming; even coming from a small screen. I look forward to the day when we can say our farewells with hugs, handshakes and a few friendly drinks on the couches at Charlie Brown’s.

I’m so proud of our staff, the memories we’ve made and the work we’ve done. I also want to especially thank our advisers. Without them, this newsroom wouldn’t be the home that it is.

To the Kernel’s seniors—and all those not returning to college next semester—I wish all the luck and blessings necessary for what will undoubtedly be a challenging new normal.

To those still on staff, I hope you can begin to make sense of the pain and change bound for this campus.

And I hope you’ll still have time to be college students in between.