UK Transportation Services, Keeneland and Prevention, Outreach and Wellness Education Resources collaborated to provide a one-time $15 Wildcab Voucher for Uber on Keeneland College Scholarship Day.
The voucher will cover Uber rides from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 18.
The voucher is a “safe ride initiative,” according to UK Transportation Assistant Manager Brandon Darko Mensah.
He said the voucher will apply to rides going to and from Keeneland within Lexington city.
“We don’t really know where students are going to be coming from … so that’s kind of something that we did since we know a lot of people that don’t always live on campus but still want to participate in stuff that’s related with UK, kind of like with our Wildcab Vouchers as well,” Darko Mensah said.
Students already signed up for Wildcab Vouchers will automatically receive the discounted Uber voucher for Keeneland College Scholarship Day. The voucher can be found in the “Voucher” section on their wallet on the Uber app.
Students who aren’t signed up for the Wildcab Voucher can still receive the Keeneland College Day Voucher by sending their personal information to Darko Mensah via email.
The voucher for Keeneland College Scholarship Day is a test run, according to Darko Mensah.
“It’ll probably be something that we can hopefully expand for other events around Lexington, maybe basketball games possibly,” Darko Mensah said.
For now, 1,842 Wildcab Vouchers were accepted for this spring semester and 809 for Keeneland College Day Vouchers, according to Darko Mensah.
“We just branched out just a little bit to try to expand the program, make sure that students are making safe decisions, not just on campus, but also off campus. So we’re hopeful that it’ll go really well, and we think it’ll be popular,” Communications Officer for UK Transportation Lisa Cleveland said.