Mrs. Tammy’s surprise Christmas gift raises more than $4,000

By Amanda Mayo

[email protected]

UK Dining employee Tammy Terry, known to many students for her heartwarming conversations, will be getting a surprise Christmas gift this year — more than $4,000.

A fundraiser created Monday by community and leadership development sophomore Alison Brown has raised $4,805 from 463 people as of 1 a.m. Thursday.

Health sciences freshman Arden Barnes struggled to find courage to reach out to people in her new job for the popular social media page Humans of UK when Terry approached her.

“I was sitting in the (W.T. Young Library) Starbucks and she came up and talked to me, which surprised me because most of the time I sit there by myself,” said Barnes, whose recollection of a quote from the movie “We Bought a Zoo” afforded her the courage to do her job and have a conversation with Terry. “For some reason that came up in my mind when she talked to me, and I’m really glad that I took that 20 seconds of insane courage and asked if I could take her picture because something really good came out of it.”

Barnes’ photo of Terry had more than 900 likes on the Humans of UK Facebook page as of Wednesday evening. Her photo caught the attention of Brown, who had already wanted to do something nice for Terry.

“I got really close with her last year,” Brown said. “She would talk to me every morning at breakfast and … ask me about what I was reading, and we would talk about the Bible and I just got to know her heart.”

Brown’s original goal was $2,000 dollars, but her goal was quickly exceeded and adjusted to $5,000 because of the number of donations the fundraiser received. Most of the donations have been $5 to $10 from students, and the highest donations have been 4 donations of $50 each and one donation of $200.

The money will be presented to Terry on Wednesday, Dec. 16, at 3 p.m. location to be decided.

Sally Evans, the integrated strategic communication senior who created the Humans of UK Facebook page, said she had always been inspired by the work of Humans of New York creator Brandon Stanton, who has recently used his page to bring awareness and aid to refugees in the Middle East.

“I always thought, ‘Wouldn’t that be so cool if Humans of UK could somehow have an impact on someone more than just sharing a picture and their interview?’” Evans said. “I think that yesterday was that day.”

Lily Henderson, a marketing and English sophomore who works at the same Starbucks, said Terry’s quote on the Humans of UK Facebook page, “It never hurts to talk to people,” describes her perfectly.

“She’s so sweet; she always makes sure to say hello and goodbye to people, and makes a point to know their names,” Henderson said.

Barnes said she has changed her perspective on approaching people she has never met for interviews and photos since meeting with Terry, and has gained the power to excel at her job with Humans of UK.

“So many people know (Terry) and have talked to her, and I’m really glad I took her picture because she definitely deserved it,” Barnes said. “She deserved everything that is coming to her.”

Anyone who wishes to view or donate to the page may follow this link: