Make scones that rival your local coffee shop’s


By Sarah Brookbank

[email protected]

These scones are easy to make and taste like they come straight from your favorite coffee shop.

They’re perfect for breakfast or an afternoon snack with a cup of coffee or tea. While this recipe uses blackberries, they are almost out of season, so check out the Lexington Farmer’s market and see what they’ve got in season. The lemon glaze also adds to the flavor dimension of the scones.

Popular winter scones use cranberry and orange, but you can put in pretty much any fruit or flavor you wish. You can also mimic Starbucks by adding vanilla extract and making a vanilla glaze.

While the scones are easy to make, the hardest part is making sure the dough mixes to the right consistency.

One of the best parts of scones is the flaky texture, so you may need to add more flour. This is especially important when you are adding fruit, otherwise the dough won’t flake right.

Blackberry Scones-


2 1/2 cups flour

1/3 cup sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

1 tbs. baking powder

1 stick butter, room temperature

1 small container blackberries, washed and dried

2/3 cup milk


Preheat oven to 425 degrees

Mix together flour, baking powder, sugar and salt

Add butter with mixer or spatula until crumbly

Add milk and mix again

Once dough is mixed add blackberries

If dough is too soggy, add more flour

Roll dough and cut into triangle slices

Place dough on baking sheet

Bake for 14 minutes

Take out and let cool before adding glaze

Lemon Zest Glaze


1 cup powdered sugar

3 tbs. milk

1/2 tsp. vanilla

1 tbs. lemon zest


Mix all ingredients together until thick

Add to scones when they are cool