Individuals define presidencies, not political parties



We’ve all heard the old saying, “the Republican Party is the party of business.” There is only one problem with this assertion.

When talking about which party handles money better while in the White House, the idea that Republicans outperform Democrats is completely unjustified.

Let’s look at a few facts. Gross Domestic Product has grown seven times more under Democratic presidents.  The stock market has performed better under Democratic presidents. Also, Republican presidents have added 2.5 times more to the national debt than Democrats have.

Ronald Reagan tripled the national debt, increasing it from $995 billion to $2.9 trillion. There is also George W. Bush, who decided cutting taxes while trying to fund two wars was a good idea.

Of course the U.S. economy is complex, and the actions of the president are not the sole influence on a country’s economic prosperity. But these are facts, and the idea that Republicans are far superior money-managers is a myth.

Democrats also face unjustified misconceptions. For example, it’s often believed that Democrats are more peaceful than Republicans. History doesn’t care about stereotypes, and once again, the facts tell a different story.

Of the seven major wars America has fought since the start of the 20th century, the vast majority of the hours spent fighting those wars occurred under the presidency of a Democrat, and it is no secret that President Barack Obama has used predator drones.

Harry S. Truman approved the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which killed hundreds of thousands of people during the initial bombing and the resulting radiation.

The president isn’t the sole reason that America chooses to go to war, but the idea that Republican presidents resort to violence more than Democratic presidents is simply inaccurate.

Remember, politicians are people too, and they do not deserve to be put in a box. The individual makes the presidency, not the political party.