Scholarship opportunities need to be available to nontraditional students

I am a single father and a nontraditional student. While researching scholarship opportunities offered by Adult Student Services, I was troubled to find that I only met the qualification for one. The organization lists seven nontraditional scholarships and five are available to single mothers. Scholarship opportunities should be a resource for both genders as both struggle equally from a parental standpoint.

As part of the nontraditional populace, we see a correlation between this deficiency in education and societal stigmas. We must contend with similar issues such as balancing work, family and education. Further, I have female cohorts who also take issue with the ‘absent father’ typecast. We must be deemed competent and as a crucial presence in our children’s lives. My allies agree that societal views should be more appreciative toward fathers willing to play active roles.

We are contending with a problematic economy, skyrocketing college tuition and affordability is compromised. We encourage Adult Student Services to seek out foundations that will fund scholarships that are available for both genders of nontraditional students as both contend with the same obstacles. Adult Student Services should not assume that only single mothers struggle with college and are in need of assistance. I did not just provide the sperm to produce a child; I also am tenacious in using an educational forum in today’s economy to assist me to be a better father.

Patrick Fox

social work junior