Internships, jobs may be difficult to find

By Kirsten Clancy

With summer around the corner, many students are struggling to find last minute internships.

“I don’t believe it’s too late, but you have to intensify your efforts,” said Francene Gilmer, assistant provost for career education at the James W. Stuckert Career Center.

Many companies started looking for internships at the beginning of this year or even at the end of last year, Gilmer said.  Because of the early searching and the rocky economy, jobs — and internships — are hard to find. Companies are now preparing for the interns they have already hired. 

Gilmer said a hopeful intern might have to be willing to relocate.

Sometimes, though, a person looking for an internship will need to change focus as well.  For example, working at Walgreen’s can give a health care student experience in their field.

“If you’ve just gotten started, get a summer job,” Gilmer said.

Summer job responsibilities can give someone experience the same way an internship can, she said.

The outlook might look bleak, but fields such as retail and service are good areas to look for internships, Gilmer said.

Gilmer said students should look for companies of interest and have a résumé handy. Call the company and follow up on the résumé.  Networking helps to get connections.

Just calling does not work, Gilmer said, but it can be a good place to start.

An intern must be aware that most opportunities are unpaid. However, those internships still look good on resumes.

Wildcat CareerLink is a good place to go for internship help, Gilmer said.     Web sites such as and list internships and other job openings, and some also provide résumé tips and advice on finding a job. advises job hunters to identify target jobs, write down 10 strengths you have, get your résumé and cover letter critiqued, conduct practice interviews and get support from family and friends.

If all else fails, try starting a car washing or babysitting business, Gilmer said, and entrepreneurial summer jobs show initiative and independence.