Bush administration accomplished exactly what they wanted

Jacob Sims, I live out of town but was in Lexington recently and picked up a copy of the Kernel. Upon reading the headline of your column, I immediately guessed that you were an unhappy Republican.

It’s disappointing to see a few Republicans expressing their unhappiness with Barack Obama’s election and, in doing so, hindering the efforts of the Obama team to do their best to help us out of the ‘George Bush gang of thieves’ mess. It is unpatriotic, un-American and just plain negative and helps no one. For God’s sake, give the man and his team a chance — they are not even in office yet!

Throughout the Obama and John McCain campaign, I often heard it said the Bush administration was one of failed policies. I usually replied with, “No, the Bush administration was not a failure, it was highly successful.”

The goal of the Bush and Dick Cheney gang was to make themselves and their friends as rich as possible — through the war and every legislative measure, policy and practice that they could manage to undo or ignore so as to increase profit. They were so successful that they created a new financial class of people — the “super rich” — and it is this wealth gap that is the basis of our current financial crisis.

Look at the record — if you can manage the courage to look at the facts, you will acknowledge the truth of what I write. Some excellent information on these points can be found at www.chrismartenson.com/crashcourse. Good luck to you in your studies.

Lou King

UK Alum