Prepare homes for winters harsh realities
A student walks to class after the first snowfall on campus of 2016 on Wednesday, January, 20, 2015 in Lexington, KY.
January 22, 2016
Heavy snowfalls seem to now be the norm for Kentucky winters, so it’s time for a lesson on snow etiquette.
Every city accustomed to harsh winters develops its own form of snow etiquette, but residents of every city and small town north of Columbus, Ohio, all have one rule in common: shovel and salt your sidewalk.
It’s a simple rule, but without it, cities become nearly impossible to walk through, and evidence of this can be seen throughout Lexington.
Here’s the rule: People who own or rent houses must clear the sidewalk in front of their houses, same goes for businesses. In addition, apartment owners should be responsible for clearing the sidewalks in front of their buildings.
Eventually, Lexington will develop its own system of etiquette of dealing with snow, but shoveling and salting sidewalks is the place to start.
For children, the elderly and those with disabilities, clearing sidewalks could be the difference between a chilly walk to the grocery store and a trip to the hospital.
UK Physical Plant employees work hard to clear the snow and salt the sidewalks around campus, so its time for students to follow their lead.
In student neighborhoods, particularly along State Street, University Avenue and Elizabeth Street, the sidewalks are essentially useless whenever it snows more than eight inches.
Student neighborhoods already have a bad reputation among other Lexington residents for students’ poor etiquette, so it’s time to prove them wrong.
Whenever the snow clears, head to Lowe’s and pick up a snow shovel for anywhere between $10 and $20, and buy a bag of salt as well.
Shoveling and salting the sidewalk will take no more 15 minutes.
UK students seem to build a strong sense of community during these heavy snowfalls. They rally around timeless snow day traditions: sledding in the bowl in front of the W.T. Young Library; attaching sleds to the backs of trucks and sliding down State Street.
The plethora of traditions make snow days great, but imagine what students could accomplish on snow days if they also cleared their sidewalks.
Lead the snow etiquette revolution, grab a shovel and represent UK well.
Will Wright is the editor-in-chief of the Kentucky Kernel.