Senioritis hurts chapter unity

Lexington Souers

There are a lot of last firsts to being a senior: your last first day of school, your last first spring rush party and your last first chapter meeting.

Chapter meetings have a special place in my heart. It’s a time for us to gather, to learn and to celebrate each other.

I always loved chapter meetings when I lived off campus because it meant I got to see friends who I hadn’t seen all week, girls who didn’t live down the hall, who hadn’t made it to Two Keys or who were underclassmen I hadn’t gotten to know well. 

Try running an organization without meetings and see how well it works out. Chapter meetings let us organize all the sisterhood, social and philanthropy events that keep us involved in the UK and Greek community. After four years, it can be hard to sit through yet another meeting to talk about Greek Sing or STOMP, but it is important.

Remember when you were a freshman and how exciting everything was? See what time you have left, remember your time is passing quickly and, as the quote goes, “watch with glittering eyes,” on the fleeting opportunities that will come with the spring semester.

This is your last chance to do anything and everything you’ve wanted to do within your organization; this is your last chance to leave your legacy.

So treasure your meetings. Remember that in a few months, you’ll be out in the real world, and you won’t be able to hug your little or that girl who lived in your building as a freshman. In a few months you will be left with just the memories, the rituals and the values of your organization.

As annoying as meetings get, like the dressing up, walking to Whitehall and the piling on of coats as it gets colder, it is important to show up and to avoid senioritis when it comes to your Greek organizations.

There are underclassmen who have never been here before. You’ve done it all before, and it’s easy to get burnt out. Stay strong, because the adventure is just beginning, and your attitude affects how that journey goes and the legacy you leave behind.

Lexington Souers is the features editor.

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