Host of ‘Sexually Speaking’ holds Q&A with students
March 20, 2016
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Question: My girlfriend often gets UTIs after we have sex. Not every time, but it is common. What do you think is causing this problem so frequently? She said her girlfriends say that they don’t have that problem.” — Joe
Mellisa Estebo: Off the top of my head, I would ask if she’s using the restroom right afterward. It helps flush out any bacteria that may have gotten in there. Ask her to go right away after you’re done and see if that helps, and tell her to make sure she wipes front to back; otherwise she’ll be doing the opposite and pushing bacteria in her urethra.
Q: I was using a condom during sex and I pulled out before I orgasmed. My girlfriend thought she felt something drip out afterward and I saw this little drop of gel-like substance on my sheets. I suspected it was some of the lube from the condom, but I wasn’t sure and I’m unreasonably paranoid about this stuff … ugh. — Anonymous
Estebo: You’re right in that it could be lube. However, unless you used lube in addition to what was already on the condom when you opened it, then odds are that the gel-like substance wasn’t lube.
Semen tends to clump once it leaves the body, so the gel-like substance could be that. What she felt drip out could also have been semen – especially since the pull out method isn’t foolproof.
It could also have been vaginal fluid, especially if your girlfriend tends to get really wet when aroused. There’s no right answer but, if you think semen worked its way in there, I would recommend looking into the morning after pill. Generally speaking, you have 72 hours.
Q: What is ‘sex therapy?’ — Student at UK.
Estebo: So I get asked this question a lot because I am working toward becoming a sex therapist one day. That has opened up the door for conversations with people about intimate topics.
The role of a sex therapist is not to change someone’s sex drive or orientation, but to help them maximize their potential for satisfaction and happiness. Most often, sex therapy is talk therapy, and this answer should open the door to a whole host of new questions.
Mellisa Estebo is a psychology sophomore and host of WRFL’s “Sexually Speaking.”