Dead by Daylight players won’t want to escape this game

In one of my previous articles, I reviewed the new game, “Friday the 13th: The Game.” Fans of that game may find “Dead by Daylight” similar.

“Dead by Daylight” was released for Microsoft Windows users a little over a year ago, and later came to XBox One and PS4. It also does everything that “Friday the 13th” did, only better and quicker. Players are tasked with similar goals as they must run from a singular killer and try to escape to win.

DBD features a strictly online experience where there are five characters that are each played by a different player online. There are up to four survivors and one killer, whose objective is to kill all of the survivors before they can escape.

The survivors are dropped in the middle of a randomized map and Saw-movie-like scenarios where they must find generators, repair them to power large electric doors and escape. The players cannot hear each other, nor do they know where the others are, a challenging obstacle the players must overcome.

Herein lies one of the perks to DBD over “Friday the 13th,” the areas in which you play are semi-random. So, generators and other aspects of the map will be located in different spots each game. This creates fresh gameplay that doesn’t get quite as old.

“Friday the 13th,” on the other hand, had about three maps that were all hardly different than each other and all felt like the same thing, which made the game become stale sooner.

Also in DBD, character customization is stronger on both the survivor and killer sides. In “Friday the 13th,”  there was hardly any difference in characters, so, players found themselves going into the same game every time.

In DBD, there are a few different killers with vastly different play styles and abilities. This keeps the gameplay fresh for both the killer because they aren’t playing the same old thing over and over, and as well as the survivor because they are forced to adapt to the varying abilities of each different killer.

The one thing “Friday the 13th” has over DBD is the variation in methods of escaping. In the former, the player could escape by repairing a car or boat, or by calling the cops and escaping. The way to go about escaping was a little more broad. In DBD, all you can do is repair generators and open the door to escape.

DBD added some flavor by adding a way one person could escape once it is down to one survivors. There is a hatch that can be found after two generators are repaired that the last survivor can open and escape through. This also an attempt to balance the game and make it more fair for the survivors.

All around, “Dead by Daylight” is a much higher quality game that features deeper gameplay, which isn’t a surprise, seeing how it was created by experienced game developers. Also, it’s cheaper at $19.99 on Steam than the criminally overpriced “Friday the 13th,” which retails for $39.99 on the same website.