Lexington ready for ice and snow, mayor says

The city’s snow crews first clear major streets like Limestone, but neighborhood roads in student neighborhoods often go untouched for days after a storm. Photo by Joel Repoley | Staff

Rick Childress

The city of Lexington is prepared for this afternoon’s wintery forecast, Lexington Mayor Jim Gray said in an afternoon press conference.

“Our salt barn is full with 6,000 tons of salt,” Gray said.

Gray said that around 2 or 3 p.m. the precipitation will turn to freezing rain and later snow.

Albert Miller of the Streets and Roads department said that the roads cannot be pretreated because of the rain, but the trucks will begin salting as soon as the temperature gets below freezing.

Lextran will continue regular service until 6 p.m. on Friday and will operate on its snowplan until Saturday morning. 

In a Twitter post, Kentucky Wildcab announced that its usual Friday night services will be cancelled.