Homelessness awareness week continues with a panel
November 18, 2011
Homelessness has been a topic of discussion on campus this week.
On Thursday, panelists discussed the controversy of housing issues in Lexington for homeless people, as part of a week-long series of events in the Student Center.
UK is participating in an awareness week called National Hunger and Homelessness.The week is for everyone to come together to help people without a home.
There has been an upward trend with homeless people because of the recession.
Awareness of homeless veterans has also been a concern since there are 2,500 in Kentucky.
The panelists wanted UK students to become involved with this issue in various ways.
“The situation with the homeless is eye-opening and people should pay close attention to the homeless,” Megan O’Connor, a graduate of elementary education, said.
“It is important to inform the community about the shortage of houses for the homeless,” David Christiansen, the director of the Housing and Homeless Initiative, said.
In Lexington, about 1,584 people are emerging into shelters or homeless.
“The homeless have a reputation of being socially unacceptable within communities, people should look past this difference and help those in need,” Kelsi Green, an Integrated Strategic Communications, major said.
The panelist invited anyone to the opera house on Friday at 8 p.m. for the final performance of “Please Don’t Call Me Homeless.”
The play is written and performed by people who have lived on the streets of Lexington. It is free and open to the public.