UK police issued a crime bulletin via a campus-wide email on Thursday, Nov. 2.
The email described a report of a sexual assault that happened on UK’s campus.
According to the email, a student reported an incident of sexual assault in an on-campus residence hall.
The suspect and the victim, both of whom are UK students, knew each other.
“UK Police is actively investigating this matter and the appropriate campus units are working with individuals involved to provide resources and support,” the email said.
The email included the following tips to promote a safe and secure campus environment:
“Make sure you have affirmative consent before engaging in sexual activities with someone. The university’s definition of “affirmative consent” can be found in Administrative Regulation 6.2.
Consent is an active agreement to participate in that activity at that time. If someone says no, it means no. If someone is silent, it does not mean yes. If someone changes their mind, it means no.
Learn about active bystanding. While bystanders are not always present when sexual assault occurs, there may be red flags we can notice beforehand.
When possible make statements – “BACK-OFF! STOP! NO-WAY!” You deserve to be respected.
Request a FREE SAFECATS student safety escort or coordinate after-hours on-demand bus service during the fall and spring semesters by calling 859-257-SAFE (7233).
You can also request vouchers for discounted Uber rides through the Wildcab Vouchers program. Wildcab Vouchers provides eligible students with up to 10 $6 ride vouchers per semester. The vouchers are valid on Thursday, Friday and Saturday between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. within the program’s designated service area. You can request your free Wildcab Vouchers at go.uky.edu/wildcab,” the email said.
UK Police ended the email by stating that victims of sexual assault are never at fault and the perpetrator is to be held responsibility.
“If you have been a victim of violence or would like to be a part of UK’s effort to end violence, please contact the Violence Intervention and Prevention (VIP) Center at 859-257-3574 for confidential services, support and referrals,” the email said.