My goal was to be who I’m not, so it’s no surprise I failed to meet it

Column by Carrie Bass

When I decided to write a weekly column for the Kernel, I saw myself addressing mostly political issues in an ultra-hip, sassy way that would make me popular with the readership at UK and bring me all sorts of self-satisfied pleasure.

Looking back on my brief career as a Kernel opinion columnist, I am being perfectly honest in saying that I failed this goal in every way: by digressing into social issues, by not being witty and by not really reaching across the aisle all that well.

But whom was I kidding? I am pretty much known for the latter three attributes in person, so in retrospect, I am not quite sure why I thought I would translate better on paper.

I will take the blame for not being as fun as I could have been, although I tried admirably to share my obsessive love of pop culture.

I also will take the blame for not trying to make my columns more accessible to all sides of an issue. My original goal when taking on the weekly column was to talk to and with people who didn’t already agree with me, but I wound up preaching to the choir most of the time.

A lot of the issues that I ended up writing about were a little too close to home, so I admit to getting upset, ranting (not in a good way) and delving into some name-calling — which I hate to admit, since blatant insults are one of my pet peeves in a good, intellectual debate.

I wish I had done a better job at being an individual on paper, rather than just a crazy liberal.

However, there is no point in denying that I am the sort of person that conservatives like to point at and smirk. I am hotheaded, temperamental and pretty much a sucker for any underdog. So if my column had not been like a written rampage, it would not have been my column. I have no regrets about taking the stances that I did and making the arguments that I did. I have no regrets about publicly airing my less-than-moderate side.

As child, when my teachers and other adults would comment on how well behaved I was, my family would publicly smile and privately wonder if I had a split personality. At last, my dear family, I have had the chance to publicly show the tempered side of myself that in the past was reserved only for you, and I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.

The last change from how I saw my column in the beginning was in the topic. I love politics, and I genuinely saw my column as a chance to explore this interest. Yet, I found myself falling back into my routine of social issues over and over again. Do not get me wrong; I want to devote my life to social justice. I just thought that I would have the chance to try something new.

Even though I am highly susceptible to digressing into social concerns, let me say that it was not easy to escape the pressing need for someone to talk about the events going on in our state and our community.

Even as my high school was ranked as a dropout factory, the state slashed the budget for education. The return of the Genocide Awareness Project in the last few weeks along with the hideous commentaries about women that have taken place in the Kernel online and in print have tested my faith in our future generations. The CentrePointe construction threatens the heart of alternative culture in Lexington.

There are numerous topics that I talked about over the past two semesters, but these three continue to weigh heavily on my mind, as I hope they continue to weigh on yours.

I will conclude by thanking those of you who took the time to read my column, even if it was to mock. After all, there’s no such thing as bad publicity.