The great midnight waterballoon fight

Waterballoons were lined up in the Johnson Center fields in preparation for the waterballoon fight last night that broke the world record for most number of waterballoons. CSF filled 55, 000 balloons, which broke the record Bill Gates has previously set.

Water balloons were lined up in the Johnson Center fields on Saturday night in preparation for the water balloon fight that broke the world record for most water balloons for a fight. The Christian Student Fellowship filled 55,000 balloons for the battle that began near midnight, breaking the record Bill Gates had set during the Australian Water Balloon Challenge in April, 2006. Photo by Britney McIntosh

Friday night 55,000 water balloons lined the Johnson Center field in preparation for the water balloon fight that now holds the world record for the most water balloons used in a fight. The Christian Student Fellowship organized the event for K week.

Cara Maple, a family consumer science senior makes a slip and slide out of a garbage bag after the world record breaking water balloon fight at the Johnson Center Fields on Saturday, August 23, 2008. Photo by Britney McIntosh