Kentucky should produce what it can efficiently make

In regards to the editorial written by Emily Foerster concerning agriculture, I have to respectfully disagree. While at first glance it may seem advantageous to only consume food that is locally grown, there are reasons why this is not the case. Kentucky is a significant agricultural producer, but it does not always have a comparative advantage in producing certain kinds of food. Many foods can be produced at a much lower cost and with greater efficiency in other regions of the United States, as well as other parts of the world.

For example, banana production is much more suited to tropical climates than any part of Kentucky. This is not to say it is impossible to grow bananas here, but the cost would be far greater than simply importing bananas from abroad.

The benefits of specialization enable more people to be fed by making the most efficient use of existing farmland. Food grown closer to home is only cheaper if all other aspects of food production are equal. The College of Agriculture engages in research to better utilize the agricultural resources of Kentucky.

I encourage everyone to take a closer look at current agricultural practices to learn how food is grown as well as the amount of work that goes into putting food on your plate.

Jacob Hulker

Agriculture economics senior