UN approval a matter of morals vs. interest



How would you like to be able to join a conversation, but not be allowed to speak?

How would you like to be born in a country that is not recognized by the United Nations?

How would you like to be told that everyone is created equal, besides you?

How would you like to live in a land that your people made up the vast majority of the population for the last 1,200 years, but you were still not a state in the United Nations? You continue to get pushed to the side and ignored.

That is where Palestine is at today, and, regrettably, that is where it is going to be tomorrow. The issue of Palestine becoming its own state is far from being settled. Palestine is able to join meetings of the U.N., but is not allowed to give its input, being forced into observer status. I believe in a two state solution.

The question is not whether we are going to have a two-state nation, but when? The most critical question is about how. Time is running out. As we turn on the TV and see numerous uprisings throughout the world, we can see that patience is running out, globally.

It saddens me that there is a dispute over Palestine gaining statehood in a day and age where we fought to be recognized as all being equal. Yet we are all facing the challenge of simply being recognized as a state.

No matter the outcome, the people will be divided. This is an extremely complex issue that will, unfortunately, be a challenge that will have global ramifications. One of America’s most important allies in the Arab world, Saudi Arabia, has already warned the U.S. not to use its veto power or it will have to face the consequences.

This issue is a matter of moral position versus the best interest. Thus, as Abraham Lincoln said, “If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?”

We can only hope that all the key players will be wearing the face of humanity.