UK Fine Arts Institute offers creative outlet through classes
Instructor Dwayne Cobb teaches a jewelry making class in his studio on Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2017 in Lexington, Kentucky. Cobb has been teaching this class off and on for about 10 years. The University of Kentucky doesn’t have jewelry facilities so he teaches at his own studio. Kene Amadife | Staff
September 13, 2017
The UK Fine Arts Institute is presenting a series of classes for fall 2017 that offer creative outlets for students and community members.
There are 10 special offerings classes, some beginning as soon as this week. FAI Coordinator Donna Farmer said the classes are special for many reasons.
“I’m fairly certain that our menu of artistic classes is not offered by any other institution or organization in the Bluegrass area,” she said. “Additionally, I believe the average FAI student is interested in pursuing a creative outlet to learn something new or to further develop a particular skill and can do so by participating in one our classes or workshops.”
There are diverse class offerings, from Book Arts to Jewelry Making to Woodworking. New this year is a Fiber class specializing in 3D Feltmaking.
Farmer said she expects ceramics, woodworking and metalworking to be the most popular. According to her, many students will utilize the teacher’s knowledge and the resources at their disposal by taking a class multiple times throughout the semester. Retaking classes and enrolling in multiple is encouraged, Farmer said.
“We have students who are seeking to discover the creative outlet that appeals to them and will take more than one class during a semester,” Farmer said.
The FAI offers these relatively inexpensive non-credit art classes taught by experienced professionals in our community and in a state-of-the-art facility. Farmer said she hopes to not only attract community members to the classes, but students who wish to further their major.
“We have degree seeking students that take some of the classes to continue developing their skill level in a specific area,” Farmer said.
Jeremy Colbert is excited to be teaching metal working this fall.
“A lot of the time, a person has always wanted to do it and now they get a chance,” Colbert said. “Then they start to see the bigger picture of possibility that can be achieved. We have always had a great bunch of people that love to take the class, and all seem to find a common ground in it.”
The class covers as much as possible, but Colbert encourages students to take it more than once to fully benefit.
“That way, you really keep on adding to the knowledge and progressing forward,” Colbert said.
While the classes last five to 10 weeks, there are one to three day workshops available for the creative mind with only enough time to dabble in the art. These brief workshops will be held on weekends or in the evenings and will offer both basic and advanced material.
This fall’s classes and workshops will be held in the UK Art and Visual Studies Building; the UK Metal Arts Building; and Dancin’ Dogs Designs Studio.
Prices vary by class, and the proceeds will go to support the teachers’ art. The professionals who come in to teach these classes are active artists themselves. Registration can be completed on FAI’s web page, calling the institute at (859) 218-5984, or by emailing Donna Farmer at [email protected].