Are you feeling sluggish as you get ready for finals week? Are your clothes feeling a little tighter than normal?
It could be because you are not getting enough exercise. It is common for people to gain weight around the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays due to all of the holiday eating they do.
So what can you do about this? Most students are busy with classes, part-time and full-time jobs and involvement in Greek life.
Many outlets like Buzzfeed offer tips on how to incorporate exercise into the life of a college student. The Kernel is here to offer some ideas of our own:
Working out first thing in the morning can provide an all-day energy boost, according to the American Council of Exercise.If you are not a morning person and like your sleep, work out before you go to bed for the night. Working out at night can provide an energy boost for the remainder of the day, according to the American College of Sports Medicine. Personally, when I work out, I work out at night.Plan your workouts when you have empty pockets of time, if that is more convenient for you.Use campus gyms like the Johnson Center. You already pay for it in your tuition and other school fees. Utilize what you pay for. Apartment complexes like Newtown Crossing, the Wyatt and 5 Twenty-Four and 5 Twenty-Five Angliana have a gym for off-campus student residents to use.Instead of riding the bus to class, walk to class. Also start taking the stairs instead of the elevator.UK offers classes that students can take that teach yoga, kickboxing, and other physical activities. All you do is come in, work out and leave. Classes like these are usually an easy A. Bringing your GPA up, having fun, and getting a phenomenal workout? Triple check for the win!Finally, this is an important thing to think about: Have the motivation to work out. Be optimistic about working out rather than being pessimistic. If you think of exercise and it makes you miserable, change your mindset so it is something you can enjoy. Personally, when I’ve had a real tough week, I like to go down to the gym and start lifting weights until my arms get sore. When I feel the pain after lifting, I feel better about my life in general.
With these tips, you can finally lose the infamous 15 pounds you gain as a freshman.