ATO sorts food for the needy at God's Pantry in November 2013.
No Thanksgiving meal is complete without all the fixin’s.
The University of Kentucky Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow (STAT) and TEAM WILDCAT are hosting the Thanksgivin’ Fixin’ “In a Box” food drive in cooperation with God’s Pantry Food Bank to give back to those in need during the upcoming holiday season.
Nursing major Kristen Gregory is the Campus Outreach chair for STAT and TEAM WILDCAT. She said she sees the food drive as the perfect way to kick off the season of giving.
“This food drive is an easy way to give back to people of the community who do not have the ability to have a Thanksgiving meal with their family,” Gregory said. “There are only six items in a box, and it costs less than $6 for all the items.”
UK students and the Lexington community are asked to donate items that create a complete Thanksgiving meal inside a box, according to a poster for the food drive.
The required items are as follows:
One box of stuffing mixOne box of mashed potatoesOne box of macaroni and cheeseOne can of green beansOne can of cornOne can of cranberries
Sarah-Elizabeth Bush, Alumni Engagement Coordinator for the UK Alumni Association, said the food drive started as a partnership between STAT/TEAM WILDCAT and God’s Pantry.
STAT runs various community outreach programs within the association, and this food drive was created as a cost-efficient way to give back to the community while making a Thanksgiving meal more accessible to those in need, Bush said.
Completed boxes should be dropped off at the King Alumni House located at the corner of Rose Street and Euclid Avenue by Tuesday, Nov. 21 at 5:00 p.m. UK students will be delivering the boxes to God’s Pantry on Wednesday, Nov. 22.
“We have seen an overwhelming amount of participation. Between students, campus units, and individual donations by staff and Alumni,” Bush said. “We are looking forward to seeing how many other individuals participate.”
STAT is the official student membership organization of the UK Alumni Association. Established in 2009, TEAM WILDCAT is the official student organization of UK Athletics and a subcommittee of STAT.