Fashion shows conjure up images of models painted with makeup and draped in designer labels, but a UK medical fraternity has found a way to shift the focus of its fashion show philanthropy event to inner beauty.
Phi Delta Epsilon will host its annual Anatomy Fashion Show as its spring fundraising event to support Children’s Miracle Network, the fraternity’s international philanthropy partner. The models will be adorned with skin suits from Soho Girls, which will be painted with anatomical systems.
President of Phi Delta Epsilon and biology and chemistry junior Eashwar Soma explained that the Anatomy Fashion Show is a tradition within the fraternity. The first show was hosted at Florida International University in 2012, and chapters across the country have since continued the signature event to support Children’s Miracle Network.
“[It’s] a fantastic charitable organization that raises funds for children’s hospitals, medical research and community awareness,” Soma said.
Phi Delta Epsilon was founded in 1904 at Cornell University Medical College. The premedical affiliation was established in 1994, and the Kentucky Gamma chapter was chartered at UK in the spring of 2012. The chapter hosted its first Anatomy Fashion Show in the spring of 2017.
“Phi Delta Epsilon chapters each raise at least $1,000 for their local children’s hospital” within the 170 hospitals in the Children’s Miracle Network “and complete two service projects at the hospital each year,” according to the UK PhiDE website.
Members from Phi Delta Epsilon as well as other Greek organizations at UK have been recruited as models for this year’s event. Phi Delta Epsilon and Phi Delta Theta member Clay Williams will be modeling in the event as a representative for Phi Delta Theta. Williams, biology sophomore, said he had always heard “great things” about the event and how it helps very sick children.
“I have always wanted to be in the medical field, and I feel that the Anatomy Fashion Show is a fun and interesting way to help raise money for the children’s hospital. I am excited to find out what anatomy I will be modeling for the show,” he said. “The Anatomy Fashion show is very much a team effort, so I look forward to meeting new people and helping raise money for an amazing cause.”
The event will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. on Sunday, April 15 at The Signature Club at Lansdowne. Tickets are available for purchase through the event’s Eventbrite for $7 or at the door for $12. A silent auction and live music will also be featured. Food and drinks will be provided.