Protesters gathered in Kentucky’s capital on Monday morning to express their dissatisfaction with state legislature’s proposal to make cuts to public education funding and pension bill that was passed last week.
Many Twitter users reacted to the protest using #120Strong and #120United.
KENTUCKY IS OFFICIALLY #120STRONG. MCCREARY COUNTY JUST CALLED OFF AT 10 P.M.NO county school district will be in session tomorrow. MAP KEY — RED = Called off for rally/sick, GREEN = Spring Break.LET’S GO!
— Kenny Colston (@Kenny_Colston) April 2, 2018
This is what democracy looks like. #APensionIsAPromise #120Strong #GetUpGetOutGetLoud
— Alison L. Grimes (@AlisonForKY) April 2, 2018
Kentucky: Democrats are rallying against a budget that includes RECORD funding for students and fully funds ARC payments, retired teacher health insurance and family resource centers. Their motivations are purely political. Don’t be fooled!
— Kentucky GOP (@KYGOP) April 2, 2018
A legislator just walled past me into the building. I told her “Good morning! It’s a big day!” and she said “I’m going to MY job!”This is the contempt they have for teachers and students fighting for public education.#120strong #120united
— KY Students For Teachers (@ky_students) April 2, 2018
Here in Frankfort supporting public education. #120Strong #RememberInNovember
— Michael Kerner (@mrkerner) April 2, 2018
Dear Students, I’m sorry I’m not with you today, but I’m in Frankfort w/ many other people who LOVE&SUPPORT you. We want you to have all the same opportunities we had. YOU DESERVE MORE, YOU DESERVE BETTER! YOU are why I teach! #LoveKYPublicEducation
— Mrs.Steffen (@steffenpartyof5) April 2, 2018
Kentucky teachers are taking over the Republican controlled state government in Frankfort today.Now turn your voices into voter registrations & vote them out of office! @KYEducators#120Strong
— ☇RiotWomenn☇ (@riotwomennn) April 2, 2018
….the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances #120Strong #kyga18
— ACLU of Kentucky (@ACLUofKY) April 2, 2018