Quick tips to stay fit while busy with work and class


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Sarah Halsey

Spring semester is here already, and many students are trying it get in shape as their New Year’s Resolution. Use this new semester and year as a fresh start.

Getting in shape can be difficult with a busy schedule, but it’s possible. There are many ways to stay in shape and to focus on health in spite of other commitments. Here are a few tips to stay fit with a busy schedule:

Schedule your gym time in advance. You probably won’t work out if you don’t already have the time blocked off in your calendar to do so. If you wait until you have free time to exercise, you won’t do it very often, if at all. If you do have free time, Netflix will be calling your name a lot louder than the gym will. It will be so much easier to get to the gym if you have already picked a time to fit it in your schedule.

Get a workout buddy. Accountability is major when getting in shape. You are much more likely to work out if you have someone to do it with. Having someone to encourage you will help a lot.

Find a type of exercise you enjoy. You will be more likely to workout if you actually enjoy it, versus hating life when you do exercise. There are many different types of exercise: you can run, lift weights or take a group fitness class. There are many free group fitness classes offered at the JC and Alumni Gym, including Zumba, yoga and spin classes.

Skip the bus. Walk to class. This is a very easy way to burn calories and get some fresh air with a busy schedule.

Drink water. This is a very simple (and underrated) way of staying healthy. You should drink half your body weight in ounces of water a day.

Sleep more. Go to bed earlier. Wake up earlier. Do not watch another episode late at night. You don’t need more TV in your life. Your body needs sleep, especially with a busy schedule.

If you are too busy to work out and do something for your body, you are too busy, period. Your health should be important to you. UK has made exercise much easier for students by putting gyms at both ends on campus. No matter where you live, there are options available to you. There are even free workout videos online you can do from the convenience of your own home.

Take advantage of the the fresh start at prioritize your health. You won’t be sorry.