It’s time for students to get uncomfortable


Brooke Hamilton mug in Lexington, Ky., on Tuesday, October 8, 2013. Photo by Emily Wuetcher

Change is good.  No really … I swear. It is scary, but good. Stepping out of your comfort zone is good.   Actually, it’s even better.

Different is good, because different, in any sense, is inspiring. Even if we don’t necessarily like what is different, it causes us to think, and thinking is always good. Because, really, not a lot of people think.

And that should change.

Instead of fancying societies’ recent fascination with “searching for happiness,” we should search for moments and experiences that are different. This starts with movement.

Get out of bed. (I know it’s hard). I know that Netflix is awesome.  But once you get out of bed, stuff happens.

This is what we need. Any new experience is beneficial — both the good and the bad. So, again, the first step is to move. Get uncomfortable.

Spend some time exploring your town alone. It’s essential. No matter what other people say, being alone is not the same as being lonely.

Learn how to eat at a restaurant by yourself, and learn how to be OK with it. Go to a random concert. Drive for 40 minutes in any direction with no plan in mind. Meet new people.

To be different, one has to do different. And see different. And hear different.

The people that question what you’re doing are the ones that are too insecure to do anything by themselves; the ones that need someone with them to do anything, ever. Those people are comfortable — scared and comfortable. Those are the people that follow their parents blindly.

My parents are awesome, but following in their footsteps was never my dream. And it shouldn’t be. It shouldn’t be anyone’s dream.

A dream should be unique and challenging, but if you follow a path already laid out for you, you won’t become anything new. Though that is easy and attainable, is it worth it?

With all of these new experiences under your belt, open your mind. Change some preconceived notion you have. As people with individual thought, we should all come up with our own morals. Not our parents’ ideals, not our best friends’ opinions, not the preachings of a church, but our own.

We were born with independent minds — with eyes, ears and a mouth. We should use them, and use them well.

Let’s stop being complacent. We live in a world with too many complacent people. Complacent people don’t inspire. They don’t aim to better anything or anyone, and they certainly don’t change anything.

So, get inspired. Inspire other people. Do both, or do one. It doesn’t matter, just do something.

Just move.

Brooke Hamilton is a journalism freshman.

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