Former Israeli Prime Minister to lecture on Middle East peace

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will speak at the Singletary Center for the Arts on Oct. 14 as part of a continuing campus and community discussion on the Middle East, according to a UK news release.

Assistant Provost Richard Greissman said an aspiring top-20 institution must have a global focus.

“Few places in the world at this time are more connected to our collective security than the Middle East,” Greissman said in an e-mail to the Kernel.  “Bringing international public figures to campus is precisely what top-20 universities do.  They provide students with opportunities to hear multiple and varying points of view on important social and political issues.”

UK is sponsoring two lectures throughout the academic year to promote dialogue throughout the university about peace in the Middle East.  Olmert’s visit is the first of these lectures, and the second will feature a prominent Palestinian figure in March 2010.  The speaker has yet to be announced.

The lecture will begin at 7:30 p.m. and is free to the public.  Tickets must be reserved in advance at the Singletary Center Ticket Office or online at

— Laura Clark