Fire at Greg Page Apartments displaces students

An apartment fire was reported around 4 p.m. Wednesday at the Greg Page Apartments on Alumni Dr., Lexington Fire Battalion Chief Harold Hoskins said. There were no injuries.

Scotty Adkins, a resident of the apartments, said his neighbor came over to his apartment to tell him she had seen smoke around 4 p.m.

When Adkins went next door to help his neighbors get their belongings out of the apartment for caution, he said he didn’t see any fire, but saw smoke coming from Building 13 of the complex.

Three apartments were deemed unlivable and about seven people had to be displaced, Hoskins said.

UK Vice P­­­resident for Auxiliary Services Ben Crutcher said because the apartments are for UK graduate students, there was about one graduate student in each of the affected apartments and there was one resident manager.

The cause of the fire is currently unknown, but it originated on the second floor and burned through to the first floor, Hoskins said.

UK Housing and Community Services is working to get the displaced residents places to stay while they get back on their feet, Hoskins said.

UK Auxiliary Services will put the displaced residents wherever there is room, Crutcher said.

If apartments are not available for them, auxiliary services will provide hotel rooms for the residents, Crutcher said.

UK Dining Services was also contacted and instructed to provide a meal for affected families who need it, Crutcher said.

“If they need clothes, we’re trying to find them clothes,” Crutcher said.