Outgoing SG president says farewell to university

Column by Tyler Montell

Friends — this is my last will and testament as your student body president. Let me start by saying that my college experience has probably been much like yours. In all my years here, I have lived in Blanding Tower, Newtown Crossing and a few college houses with too many roommates and not enough bathrooms. The people I have met, the experiences I’ve had and the memories I have made here have shaped me into the person I am today. I love this place and I love the people that have made this place a second home to me. While I have missed my fair share of classes, I have learned a great deal from my college experience. As I walk away from this place, I think it appropriate to thank some of the people who have meant so much to me over the years:

To my friends — If college is the best few years of our lives, you all have been the highlight reels. Whether you were teaching me economic formulas the night before an exam or playing my life coach on a front porch, you have been one of the greatest parts of my outrageously blessed life. I would be jokeless and painfully boring without you all and I owe each and every one of you the greatest thanks for treating me better than I have deserved.

To my staff and Grant Mills — You are more than my friends, you all have become my family. Any accolades I may receive regarding the job Student Government has done this year should be placed squarely upon you. From day one, you have continued to raise the bar of excellence with your passion and work ethic and you have inspired me every day. When I think about the best our university has to offer, I think about each of you. I am lucky to have had the opportunity to learn from all of you.

To Todd, Rhonda, Lynn, the Student Center staff, my mothers in the Main Building, my friends in Matthews and the whole fifth floor of Patterson Office Tower — To work with all of you has been almost as rewarding as watching you lead. You have supported me every step of the way and I will be forever in debt for what you have done for me these past few years. Thank you for giving to this university your time, your effort and your heart. We are better leaders and people because of you.

To my cleaning crew guys in the Student Center — You guys are my favorite people in the world. I wouldn’t trade our stories and conversations for anything. I am lucky to have known each and every one of you. You are my friends. Thank you.

To the Kernel — Thank you all for being professional and courteous to my staff this year. You have been true professionals and I cannot tell you enough how appreciative I am for your help with the Dead Week proposal. Your staff this year has justified all of the awards this paper has received recently and this campus is better for your efforts.

Finally, to Travis White — You are like my brother. I will pray for you every day until you get back home. You have been my best friend for three years and I owe every bit of my success to you. We are so fortunate to have such a great friend, patriot and American going to Iraq to protect us and our freedom. I’m proud of you.

To you reading this column — Thanks. Thanks for letting me have the opportunity of a lifetime. Representing you all has been the most rewarding experience of my life, yet I am humbled that you trusted me to do it. I have a brother coming here next year, Hunter Montell. If you all could just look out for him for me, I will be eternally grateful. In closing, I hope you all remember that it’s always more satisfying to act than to watch, that happiness is found in helping others, and that the best gift you can give someone else is your loyalty. Be the change you want to see here at UK.

It’s been quite a ride. Thanks, guys. Thanks for everything.